It has taken years for a truly useful CAD app to appear for the iPad and iPhone, but our wait is finally over thanks to SitePAD. This new app was created by Timothy and Paul Barnard and focuses on what CAD designers really need, instead of what non-engineers think they might need.
The PAD stands for “Pocket Aided Design” and this app allows the user not only to be able to view CAD drawings, but also create them. While it’s not a replacement for traditional software, it is a truly useful app that comes in handy on job sites or when an idea happens to strike you during off-work hours.
Not only is it a creator and a viewer, but SitePAD also functions as an excellent task manager and you can update project status, as well as get information on updates throughout the day. We liked the availability of features for CAD drawing which include: “Line, Polyline, Arc, Circle, Rectangle, Freehand, Move, Copy, Rotate, Mirror, Offset, Trim, Extend, Group, Un-group, Snaps, Orthos, Pan, Zoom, Notes tool, Box select, Delete, and Layers.”
SitePAD also includes a floor plan viewer as well as the ability to view and create elevation drawings. For power users or companies who want to extend their functionality, SitePAD can be synced with an online service that stores data and makes sharing between members even easier. While this is expected to run anywhere from $10-20 a month, this service is actually priceless. The developers are also offering a deal to those who sign up before the application’s 30 day trial period ends to get special pricing on the app and the online service.
Although SitePAD was originally created just for the iPhone, their innovative Pixel Doubling allows it to be used on the iPad. There are three different versions of the app including SitePAD Pro, SitePAD Lite and the low cost SitePAD viewer. The monthly subscription cost also features a one-time administration fee, but when you weigh all the benefits of this app, it’s more than worth the extra cost.