Small businesses have begun leading the curve when it comes to employment, accounting for 64% of the new jobs over the past ten years. However positive these numbers may be, when it comes to recruiting college graduates, it’s easy for small business owners to feel as though they’ve been swept under the rug.
How can a small business compete on the same level as a large corporation when it comes to attracting today’s best talent? The answers may surprise you.
1. Make it easier to get hired. Large corporations typically have an extensive, and from the position of the job seeker, painful hiring process. Get the jump on your competition by streamlining your process. This approach allows small businesses to outmaneuver bigger companies and helps you nail down the right candidates in much less time.
2. Look beyond the top schools. Sure, Harvard and Stanford may be big schools, but bigger isn’t always better when it comes to finding the right talent. Don’t be afraid to approach smaller schools that often get overlooked by high powered companies. You just might find a few diamonds in the rough.
3. Find the bright side. Not everyone wants to work for a huge, nameless corporation. Today’s candidates want to feel as though they are part of a company and that’s where small businesses can really shine. Showcase the size of your organization and highlight the benefits of working for a small business, such as having a larger role in decision making processes, the chance for quicker advancement and less competition for promotions. Many of today’s students are willing to take less money in exchange for a higher potential and a better working environment.
4. Get creative. Find unique ways to attract candidates to your company during hiring fairs. The more inventive you are, the better your chances will be of finding candidates. This is particularly important for businesses in a creative field. Be nimble and think outside the hiring box. You’ll attract more candidates and you’ll level the playing field.