In today’s competitive marketplace, it is vital to find and hire the absolute best engineering talent in the field. If you don’t hire them, your competitors will. In order to attract today’s top talent, you may need to change your hiring process to meet new demands.
First, it is necessary to drill down exactly what you are looking for in a new hire for an available position. Make a list of the absolute necessities, as well as other skills you would like them to possess. This will give you an excellent glimpse of your future hire, and help you narrow down the field.
Once you have that in place, the next step is to create a recruitment database. Search through the resumes you’ve already received and weigh them against your list of required talents and skills. Keep those who look promising and enter them into your database. You’ll need to keep this database updated as you continue the interviewing process. It’s also a great tool to have if you ever need to go back to the talent pool.
Now, work out a strategy to attract potential new-hires. Recruitment is a vital step in the hiring process. Seek out new hires by networking with local universities, groups that are related to your field and utilize social networking tools to reach out to your key demographic.
The interview is the last step in the hiring process. Make sure you give everyone a true chance at the position. Even if their resume isn’t exact, that candidate may still have merit, they just may not be very skilled at writing a resume and uncovering their talents.
Work out an interview questionnaire that will help you narrow down the field further. Update your database and make notes on the candidates that you felt were the best fit. When you’re ready to narrow it down further, you can schedule more interviews, or testing.