SoloPoint Insights

Top 5 iPad Engineering Apps

Yes, there’s an app for that, even in the engineering world. Whether you’re looking for a way to increase productivity or creativity, you’ll find plenty of iPad apps designed to assist you. Let’s take a look at five of the most outstanding apps on the market right now.

1. AutoDesk CAD WS – Not only can you use this app to view CAD drawings across a variety of different devices, this app will also let you annotate and change the drawings on the fly, wherever you are. If you have a WiFi only iPad and happen to be out of a connection area, you can save a local copy and update it when you get back into an area with service. We like the quick rendering and easy-to-use interface. With all this power, it’s hard to believe this app is completely free.
2. Engineering Unit Conversion – While this tool may look simple on the surface, it’s truly a handy little app to have running around. Need to convert density or conductivity? This app will have you covered. It earns extra stars simply because it’s easy and fast to use and answers an oft-overlooked need. This app is priced at just .99.
3. Siemens Sirius eAssistance Doc Finder – If you’ve ever been in the position of needing access to docs on a component, this app makes it truly quick to find what you’re looking for. While the downside is that its only Siemens specific, if your firm utilizes this brand, you’ll find this app a valuable resource that gets its fair share of use. This app is also free.
4. GaugeFinder – Another little app that does one thing and does it very well. No more guesswork on wire gauge. Pop open the app and you’ll be able to look up the type of wire you’re working with and get specs for a variety of different wire types, tubing and more. With its free price tag, it’s hard to pass this one up.
5. PowerOne Financial Calculator – If you remember the old RPN calculators from Hewlett Packard, you will truly love this app. Although it’s not free, priced at 4.99, it is incredibly useful and well worth the money. Calculate everything from microns to fathoms right on your iPad.

The engineering development community has been hard at work creating real-world apps that answer today’s most common needs. We look forward to their continued development and to their making our lives even easier.
