SoloPoint Insights

How Often Should You Update Your Engineering Staffing Strategy?

Having a staffing strategy in place allows you to find better candidates in less time and hire more efficiently. Once you implement a strategic staffing plan, however, it’s wise to update it periodically to reflect changes in your industry as well as the growth your company makes because of hiring stronger candidates.

When is it time to review and update your staffing strategy? Consider these milestones:

At the End of a Hiring Cycle

Once you’ve hired a new candidate, review your staffing plan. Consider how well you followed the plan, where any deviations needed to be made and whether those changes ought to be included as part of an updated plan. Talk to candidates to determine how well the hiring process worked for them, and make changes as needed.


A quarterly review of your staffing strategies allows you to take a longer view of the results of implementation. You can examine how well new hires are performing at the 30, 60 and 90 day marks, and compare the results to the staffing plan to reveal ways in which the plan can be so your new hires perform more effectively in less time.


Schedule a major review of your staffing strategy at least once per year. Include everyone who has a stake in the plan, including your staffing firm, to gain the benefit of multiple perspectives. At this time, review the plan with the following questions in mind:

  • Are we following a unified strategy? If so, how well is it working? If not, why not?
  • What has our return on investment been from implementing this strategy?
  • What do hiring managers and candidates recommend as potential “new frontiers” in our staffing strategy?

By reviewing your staffing strategy at scheduled intervals, you can ensure you’re working to hire the best candidates available in the most efficient way.

At Solopoint Solutions, our recruiters connect clients with the best available talent in the industries we serve. Contact us today to learn more about our engineering recruitment services in San Francisco and beyond.
