You never want to settle when it comes to building the right engineering team. You want your company to succeed now and in the future, and that success starts with hiring the right people. There are several factors that go into attracting and hiring the right candidates. Let’s take a look at a few steps you can start taking today to ensure you’re positioning your company for the win.
1. Ask your current employees for their help. Engineers tend to have close-knit groups. Find your top performers who already work for you and see if they can refer a few of their friends who would be qualified for the positions you’re looking to fill. They’ll know first hand about key things like technical knowledge and experience and can save you a lot of time.
2. Try out team members before you make them permanent. One key of having a dream engineering team is making sure that they not only have the right experience, but also that each member can all work together well. Instead of jumping right in, try out some new team members on a temporary basis and then make the decision to offer them a full-time permanent position if they do work out.
3. Double-check your recruiting practices. How are you currently finding new employees. Are you searching in the right places? When it comes to hiring top talent, you want to bring out the big guns. Reach out to a specialized recruiting firm for your next engineering candidate. You’ll likely be surprised at just how great their sourced candidates can be.
4. Keep your current team members happy. Are you offering your engineering team enough to stay with you and stay productive? It might be time to take a look at your current benefits package to make sure it’s attractive. If you need to refresh it a little bit, don’t forget key benefits such as the ability to work remotely every once in awhile and perks that will set you apart from your competitors.
5. Make sure they feel valued. If you want your engineering team to stick together, you’ve got to let them know how much they matter. A simple thank you can go a long way towards increasing employee loyalty and making them more productive. When your team does something great or comes in with a project under deadline, don’t forget to reward them!
Want more help finding the right people for your engineering team? Reach out to the pros at Solopoint Solutions today!