SoloPoint Insights

Using LinkedIn to Stay Connected and Advance Your Career

No matter what stage of your career you’re currently in, using LinkedIn has numerous advantages. Many make the mistake of thinking it’s only for job seekers, but in reality, there is so much more that you can do with this platform.

Resources on LinkedIn

You’ll find several groups geared toward engineers on LinkedIn. Here are a few you can join:


  • Mechanical Design Engineering
  • ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
  • The Engineering Forum
  • Electrical Engineering


With most of these groups, you’ll have to ask to become a member, but once you’ve joined, you’ll be able to interact with other members, share ideas and find some great resources towards furthering yoru career in engineering.


Want to join other groups? Just utilize the search feature in your LinkedIn account to find engineering groups that are in your particular industry.


In addition to groups, you’ll also want to check out LinkedIn Pulse articles. These are premium content pieces posted by other LinkedIn users that are an invaluable resource. You can follow authors you like, or follow specific industries to get daily updates when new content is posted.


For Job Seekers


When it comes to finding a new job, there are literally thousands of resources available. The first place to start is with your profile. We recommend using their profile wizard to create a complete profile that will allow potential employers to see you as a great candidate. Take the time to put a lot of effort into creating and updating your profile – it will pay off!


There also some great groups on LinkedIn that are designed to help engineers find a new job. Here are a few to consider:


  • Engineering Jobs in USA and Canada
  • Mechanical Engineer Jobs
  • Freelance Design Engineering


Once again, you can also do your own search to find other groups geared towards engineers seeking employment.


SoloPoint on LinkedIn


An unguided job search in this field can be an issue. Working with a recruiter opens up more doors than you could ever imagine. While you’re on LinkedIn, check out our profile. Don’t forget to follow us for even more great resources and advice for engineers – whether you’re looking for a job or just want to advance your career!


Looking for more ways to find a job in engineering? The pros at SoloPoint Solutions are here to help!


