Are you happy with the caliber of new hires at your company? Or, are you finding it difficult to get through the entire process of hiring someone new? Disruption of the hiring process is a common complaint and there are a few things you need to watch out for.
We’ve highlighted the 4 issues that plague your hiring routine and we’ll show you how to avoid them and hire better candidates!
Unclear Planning Strategies
As with most things, if you want to succeed, you’ve got to have a plan. All too often hiring managers find that there is no clear strategy in place for bringing on new candidates and this leads to more than just confusion. Take a look at your current hiring process and list out all of the steps. Take a good look at what you’ve got and see where your problem areas are – by setting out a clear plan for hiring, you’ll be able to breeze through your hiring process, instead of struggling.
Focusing on the Wrong Attributes
What do you really want in a candidate? Most companies find that they need to go beyond the simple job description and look deeper for attributes that will set candidates up for success. While skills are certainly necessary and you want to find the candidates who have the most skills, it’s also important to look for new hires who fit your corporate culture and have the attributes that will make them more successful. For example, look for leadership qualities and the ability to work without excess monitoring. These qualities will always pay off in a new hire.
Lack of Internal Knowledge
One thing that will definitely trip up a hiring process is a lack of internal knowledge at your team. You are busy and you need to delegate. But are the people you are delegating to completely trained and have the knowledge to complete the tasks you’ve given them? Quite often, all that is needed to bring someone up to speed is a quick run-through – take the time to do that until both of you are positive that the tasks will get done.
Too Broad of a Focus in Interviews
You only have so much time to interview your candidates and that means that the actual interview process can be pretty short. You can run into problems with this if you focus on too broad a topic throughout your interview. Design your interviewing process to highlight the candidate’s skills, attributes and questions that reveal their personality and how they handle things. Your time will be well spent!
By avoiding these common pitfalls, not only will your hiring process improve, but you’ll be much more likely to land the top candidates you really need.
Need help finding the right candidates? The pros at SoloPoint Solutions are here to help!