As we get ever closer to the New Year, it’s time to start thinking about how the changes coming down the road will impact not only your company as a whole, but also your hiring strategy. As you already know, engineering is a field that is constantly changing and you’ve got to stay on top of what is coming if you want to make smart hires this coming year.
Let’s take a look at a few of the trends you’re going to see in this market in the coming year.
The Dreaded Skill Gap
One issue plaguing employers is the skill gap – it can be difficult to find qualified engineers to fill your available positions. While this is changing as schools adopt better curriculums, you may still need to look for more experienced candidates, rather than engineers fresh out of school. While this means a higher starting wage to pay out, you’ll be getting candidates who have the practical experience you need.
Reliance on All-Thing Mobile
As we all become more reliant on our mobile devices, the workforce is changing and the way you can reach them is changing as well. Paying attention to this change is vital. Little things, like making sure your company website and recruiting pages have responsive design or simply using more mobile employment sites to find employees are the keys to staying on top of these trends.
Non-Traditional Career Paths
Did you know that 34% of the workforce is now freelance? Instead of looking to hire part-time or temp employees, you may want to consider hiring freelance engineers. This is particularly useful for projects that are not long-term. The plus side? You typically do not need to worry about paying extra benefits and as subcontractors, they handle their own taxes.
Keys to Retaining Top Talent in 2015
Once you find the right talent, you’re going to have to work a little harder to keep them in today’s environment. More companies are switching to allowing their employees to telecommute, even just part of the week. This is a very important enticement that will help you keep up with your competitors. Other benefits that are a necessity are paid time off, and small perks such as free lunches.
With the right approach, you’ll be able to stay on top of the hiring trends of the coming year and ensure that you have the talent you need to succeed.
Have more questions about how the coming year’s trends may impact your hiring strategy? SoloPoint Solutions is here to help!