SoloPoint Insights

2017: The Year of the Informed Candidate

In 2017, companies are adopting recruiting techniques that are making the hiring process more efficient by adding salary and cultural transparency to their job postings for applicants to see. Having the information upfront help candidates decide whether or not the job is a better fit for their career goals and therefore, narrow the pool of talents for employers.

This latest study by the online job board and employer branding website discusses further how employment transparency leads to better-informed and more qualified candidates:

Last year, saw an escalation in the number of employers saying their main hiring problem is attracting high-quality, informed candidates — candidates who’ve researched the employer, understand the requirements for a role, and set reasonable pay expectations before applying.

A 2017 survey from Glassdoor shows the extent of this trend. When asked what types of candidates employers value most, companies said they prioritize informed candidates above all other types, and that recruiting strategies of the past are no longer enough to attract candidates who today are much more knowledgeable upfront about compensation, benefits, working conditions, and more.

According to the survey, three in four companies say attracting quality candidates is the number one challenge they face today — more than HR budgets, or trouble competing with other firms.

And what makes a quality candidate? According to the survey, employers say good candidates are informed candidates.
– 49% say an ideal candidate comes prepared to interviews with questions
– 46% say they should be knowledgeable about the role
– 36% say they should understand the company’s culture and values — all information that’s increasingly available online to job seekers.

Employers who are tailoring their recruiting strategy to focus on informed candidates are seeing benefits:
– 42% say hiring informed candidates improves employee retention
– 42% say informed candidates are more productive
– 41% say informed candidates are more engaged and satisfied employees when they’re hired.

In the early days of online job search, job boards were “candidate mills” sending floods of unqualified candidates to employers. In 2017, more HR professionals started rethinking that approach. Employers are increasingly looking for ways to narrow the flow of applicants, focusing on informed job seekers who’ve done their homework beforehand, and who are most likely to create productive and lasting job matches.

Another way of becoming a well-informed candidate is to partner with a recruiting expert. SoloPoint Solutions’ Recruiters are well versed on the salaries, culture and working conditions that a lot of manufacturing companies are offering their engineering talents. To learn about which companies are hiring, call us today at (408)246-5945 or (714)708-3639!
